Sign up here for Passover Seders 

Are you looking for a meaningful Seder that you can follow?vbnI1923814.jpg
There is a seat for you at Chabad's Passover Seder.

Chabad will be hosting warm interactive Seders BOTH nights of Passover at Temple University Chabad House, 1521 Dondill Place. The Seders will be English-friendly and not very prayer-intensive. We will have the four cups, full dinner including kosher for Passover Brisket, crispy hand made Matzah. Celebrate the holiday of freedom at a seder that you will remember for a lifetime.

Will Attend:
1st. Seder -  Friday, April 22nd -  8:00 pm
Will Attend:
2nd. Seder - Saturday night, April 23rd - 9:00 pm

City / State /Zip:



In order to keep the Seders accessible for the Jewish Student community, there is no charge. Due to limited space, the Seder is open to students only.

If you are not a current student or recent graduate please contact us, we'll be happy to help you find other options

 We greatly appreciate your donations and help in sponsoring students at our seders. If you can and would like to sponsor a student or help cover the cost of the seders please fill out the form below, or click here to go to our secure donation form.


Yes ! I want to make a contribution to sponsor:  (This form is optional but appreciated)



  $540.00 (Platinum Sponsor) 

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